Kitchen Cabinet Refinishing

Cabinet Doors - Chocolate Glaze over Toffee Paint If you have ever looked in to the cost of replacing kitchen cabinets, chances are you experienced a little sticker shock. Even the expense involved in refacing existing cabinets is pricey. Along with labor and materials, there is also the environmentally conscious question about what to do with the old cabinets. Donating them is great, however, removing them and keeping them intact is not always so easy.

Colour Solutions has a simple and cost-effective answer to those considering how to change or update their kitchen cabinets. Depending on the construction materials used in your existing cabinets, we may be able to refinish them or repaint them. Customers are always so surprised to see what a difference these simple and much more cost-effective solutions make.

When the Colour Solutions crew applies fresh paint or stain choices and new hardware is installed, it’s like magic! In fact, this option offers a lot of flexibility with colors and finishes. We are also happy to examine the latest trends with our customers as well, such as pops of color inside cabinet interiors, chalk paint colors, and even stencils.

With a little help from us, you’ll be able to save that cabinet money for spring annuals and new patio furniture! Please give us a call to schedule an appointment for a free estimate: 910-686-3067.

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