Finding the Right Paint Contractor in Wilmington NC

If you’re looking to do any home repair or maintenance – interior or exterior – to either fix something in disrepair or to spruce up and update your home, then painting might be on your list – or at least not far from the list! Painting is one of the best and easiest ways to both help repair exterior or interior issues and give your home a fresh, new look.

In many home repair or home improvement projects, painting becomes involved often as a way to finish off the project. It’s also a whole project unto itself when you take into account pressure washing, scraping, drywall or wood rot repair, priming, and painting.

House painting – both exterior and interior – is a great way to protect your home from damage caused by weather, temperature, humidity, and wear and tear. It is a relatively inexpensive way to maintain your home if you can manage to keep up with fresh coats of paint every couple of years.

Hiring a professional painting contractor for regular home maintenance is one of the best investments you can make in terms of home repair and improvement. Not only will your home look fresh and clean, the surface and building materials (wood, drywall, etc) will be protected from the elements in order to avoid bigger home repair projects down the road.

Keep up with home painting maintenance and reap the benefits of a great looking house that can stand the test of time.

For more information about painting in Wilmington NC, contact Colour Solutions at 910-686-3067.

Painting the House in Time for Spring

The following is a guest blog post from a Wilmington, NC homeowner:

If you’re anything like us, you’ve spent years accumulating stuff in closets, drawers, dressers, and cabinets throughout your house. And then, every once in a while, you go crazy and go through every closet and every stack of unorganized stuff to create donation piles, Craigslist piles, and piles of trash. Well, we finally did all of that this weekend.

It all started when we talked about painting the upstairs bedrooms of our house. I insisted that we not dive into that project until we had a plan for those rooms. They’ve taken many forms since we moved into this house – spare bedroom, office, exercise room, baby room, toddler room, second baby room, kids room, play room…. While it’s good to have flexibility with your space, I felt it was time to find a purpose for the rooms and decorate them accordingly, including choosing appropriate paint colors.

The first order of business was clearing out the closets. That was huge. Once we tackled that and made many trips to donation-based stores, consignment shops, and the electronics recycling center, we started moving around furniture and making a plan for furniture we wanted to part with and what we wanted to replace with new or ‘gently used’ pieces.

And now, finally (although it was only a weekend, it feels like years because we’ve been thinking about it for that long), we are ready to think about painting the bedrooms. And I couldn’t be more excited.

Of course we’re going to use a professional painting contractor in Wilmington, NC to complete this project. The efficiency and expertise of a professional painter is well worth the expense. Especially when there are windows, mouldings, and closets involved – all items that take extra long to complete and involve different paint colors, fresh brushes and the dreaded taping for inexperienced painters. A professional painting contractor has the materials necessary – brushes, rollers, tarps, drapes, ladders, etc. – for an efficient and expert painting job.

Additionally, we have some cracks in our drywall that need repair and a wooden dresser that needs refinishing. A paint contractor such as Colour Solutions can help with these projects and get everything done in a timely and efficient manner. A project that could drag on for weeks or even months with us trying to paint in our free time can be done in just a couple of days using a painting company.

For more information about a painting contractor in Wilmington NC, please contact Colour Solutions at 910-686-3067. They specialize in residential painting, commercial painting, (interior and exterior) and pressure washing in the greater Wilmington NC area.

New Year, New Coat of Paint

With the new year comes all kinds of resolutions, projects, lists, and fresh starts. You may be focusing on eating better, exercising more, working more (or less), spending time with family and friends, keeping your house clean and organized, the list goes on. But with all of this motivation, please don’t neglect your house and all of its needs!

Owning a home or investment property is a big responsibility. Regular maintenance to the exterior and interior of your home will not only make the house look better, it will save time, money, and aggravation down the road. Cracks in the drywall can only get worse over time; peeling paint exposes unprotected wood to moisture, mold, and mildew; rotting wood near the foundation will spread throughout larger portions of the exterior. All of these issues can be more easily resolved if you fix them as soon as you notice the first sign of disrepair. Or, better yet, schedule regular house maintenance throughout the year to avoid disrepair in the first place!

High quality paint with the appropriate finish is a great source of protection for drywall, trim, windows, siding, and decking. Maintain a regular house painting schedule for your home – both interior and exterior – to keep the house looking fresh and updated as well as protected from wear & tear and the outdoor elements.

Contact Colour Solutions at 910-686-3067 and let us help you set up a painting and house maintenance schedule that fits your life and budget. Let us take care of Pressure Washing, painting, drywall repair, gutter cleaning, concrete staining and painting, garage floor coatings, cabinetry refinishing, and more (see a full list of our Painting and Repair Services)! We can be your single source for home maintenance and repair.